Homeschooling: Made contact today with a homeschooling co-op here in Allen County that I didn't even know about. We're welcome to join, even at this late date in the school year. There are only 3 more class sessions, but I'm excited to (hopefully) meet some of the other parents and get Isabelle involved in some activities and play groups.
Finding this group has re-energized me toward homeschooling this autumn rather than enrolling Isabelle in public schools.
Antiquing: Isabelle and I took a big stroll through the Antique Mall in Wapak this morning and saw LOTS of goodies, including 1 Kitchenaid and 4 Sunbeam stand mixers; and 2 Corning Ware electric skillets - 1 with the skillet and 1 without.
This is a photo of the Kitchenaid mixer.
Pinterest: I do love pinterest as a means of collecting articles that I may want to come back to at some future date. But it tends to be a really big collection and not a lot of doing. So I've decided to actively combat that by focusing on one or two categories each month (week?) and doing some projects. Being as it's still the beginning of March, I'm selecting Fun with the Children as my first category. I'll pull it up and choose 5 activities for next week, make a list of supplies to purchase tomorrow, and make a plan with Isabelle. I think she'll be thrilled.
Pinterest: I do love pinterest as a means of collecting articles that I may want to come back to at some future date. But it tends to be a really big collection and not a lot of doing. So I've decided to actively combat that by focusing on one or two categories each month (week?) and doing some projects. Being as it's still the beginning of March, I'm selecting Fun with the Children as my first category. I'll pull it up and choose 5 activities for next week, make a list of supplies to purchase tomorrow, and make a plan with Isabelle. I think she'll be thrilled.
Click Fun with the Children to see my collection.
Crochet: I've pulled out the never-ending afghan and am working to get at least 2 rows done each and every day. I also need to change the name because I will get it done and move on to some new projects, hopefully by the end of the month.
Gardening: Not a lot happening in the garden at this time. But if we make it up to the 50sF this week, I'm going to need some rubber boots just for the walk out to the barn. I would like to get the tools to trim a few of the trees this spring before the sap really starts running. I'll do a big tree trim in autumn.
Weight loss and fitness: I haven't made it to the Y for my walking this week, but I'll get a short walk in tomorrow while Isabelle is at her swimming lessons and then 2 or 3 walks in next week. I don't have a scale to weigh myself, but I'll be tracking my waist measurement which is 39". My goal for March is to lose 1". Not sure how realistic this, but it's a place to start.
In addition to walking, I'm starting a food diary and focusing on reducing between meal snacking (boredom buster) and incorporating more salads and fruit into my diet.
Budget: We're working on it at our Sunday morning meetings. I think one of our biggest challenges is getting together our visions of the future. We're not on the same page with our goal-setting at all.
So it goes, One Step at a Time, all rolled together.. my life as a Stay at Home Mom. Cheers! :)
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