Homeschooling -- Still waiting for confirmation from the group admin that my sign-up was processed. I'll follow up with an email tomorrow. My excitement about homeschooling is staying true. Isabelle and I have moved through the challenging time we've been having for the last year or so, which is to say that I've improved my own techniques and methods for parenting so we're not butting heads so much. We already do some informal school time, but it is rather haphazard, so I'm starting to do some research for setting a couple of goals so we can develop a more effective system. I'm sure most of what we'll be doing for kindergarten is learning by doing than actual book/paper work. But will be nice for the book/paper work to be headed in a specific direction. Antiquing -- The kitchenaid mixer made a loud growling noise when it ran, so I didn't get it. And surprisingly, I am a bit disappointed. I guess by the time I was in the store carrying it up to ...
*Living Simply* *Homeschooling* *Living Below Our Means*