I have 8 - 12 weeks to prepare for the move. While there are a very few items we are allowing ourselves to take, for the most part, we're selling everything and taking nothing. I've been thinking I would pack about 3 outfits each for DearDaughter and myself, which would easily fit in the carry-on piece. That way the checked suitcases could be used for the quilts and embroidered pillowcases I'm allowing for myself. They will be used to pad the new computer and printer which would be about double the price in Australia compared to here. There is also a matched set of great works books which my husband is taking. Really, it's all up in the air and no final decisions have been made, except all the furniture, kitchenware, tools, bicycles and whatnotall has to go.
*Living Simply* *Homeschooling* *Living Below Our Means*