Inspired by Katy of , my theme for this year is "Buy Nothing New", and to hold myself accountable, I've set up a spreadsheet to record what I do buy new. I've already come across one thing I bought new that I wish I hadn't - the electric skillet. And it's not because I don't use it, because I do use it - every single day since the only burner left working on the stove is a small one. But I bought the skillet new at WM :( when there was a vintage pyrex electric skillet at the antiques store, which I now think about every time I get out the one I did buy. Oh well, one step at a time. We spent $35 at Once Upon a Child to set up Isabelle with clothes for all summer (5 outfits, 3 shirts, and 2 dresses). While there, we dug in the shoe bin to find sandals for $3.50 when we had just bought new sandals for $18. One step at a time. Another new purchase was fabric to make 3 nightgowns for Isabelle. That's a splurge for me ...
*Living Simply* *Homeschooling* *Living Below Our Means*