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Parenting Book Club

I got the ok from the library to start a new discussion group, and I've decided to go with Parenting as the topic! I'm sooooo excited!!

Meetings will be the last Tuesday of the month, 6:00 pm, at the Wapakoneta Library, downstairs.

Our first meeting will be Tuesday, June 28 and will be a meet and greet for everyone to come in, share some of their parenting successes and challenges, and help set the direction for future books.

The first book up for discussion is The Secrets of Happy Families by Bruce Feiler. I came across this book recently on a random stroll through the parenting books, am so  inspired by it, and am looking forward to discussing it with other parents.

"In The Secrets of Happy FamiliesNew York Times bestselling author Bruce Feiler has drawn up a blueprint for modern families — a new approach to family dynamics, inspired by cutting-edge techniques gathered from experts in the disciplines of science, business, sports, and the military.
The result is a funny and thought-provoking playbook for contemporary families, with more than 200 useful strategies, including: the right way to have family dinner, what your mother never told you about sex (but should have), and why you should always have two women present in difficult conversations…
Timely, compassionate, and filled with practical tips and wise advice, Bruce Feiler’s The Secrets of Happy Families: Improve Your Mornings, Rethink Family Dinner, Fight Smarter, Go Out and Play, and Much More should be required reading for all parents."

Books will be checked out at the first meeting for reading and discussing at the next meeting. Performing "experiments", trying out the methods suggested in the book are highly recommended! Let us know how it goes. 

Future books include:
How to Talk so Your Kids Will Listen & Listen so Your Kids Will Talk
Bringing Up GEEKS (Genuine, Empowered, Enthusiastic Kids)
Raising a "G" Rated Family in an X Rated World
Boundaries With Kids

and other books as suggested by club members.


  1. I hope you will share some of the discussions, topics and interesting things that come up on your blog for those of us who are not in your area! It sounds like a very interesting and exciting discussion!

    1. Susie -- Actually, it fizzled out before it even started, sadly. But it wasn't my fault! I gave it my best go and for whatever reason, there just was not interest in my community.

      But.... I am having success with the book club I've started on facebook! It is a Home School Book Discussion group and obviously most of what we read is home schooling related. But the line between home schooling and parenting is very very thin, so we're also including some books specifically related to parenting, so if you're interested, please join us!

      Here's a link --



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